3.Modify above program to do following operations. (Write new program) 1) Display current contents of the file. 2) Add one more item at the end of file. 3) Again display contents of appended file. 4) Display total no. of objects in the file. 5) Display total no. of bytes in the file. 6) Take item no. from the user, modify the details of that item. 7) Again display contents of modified file. 8) Use proper error handling functions to prevent errors
/*J_5_P_3 Modify above program to do following operations. (Write new program) 1) Display current contents of the file. 2) Add one more item at the end of file. 3) Again display contents of appended file. 4) Display total no. of objects in the file. 5) Display total no. of bytes in the file. 6) Take item no. from the user, modify the details of that item. 7) Again display contents of modified file. 8) Use proper error handling functions to prevent errors */ #include <iostream.h> #include <conio.h> #include <fstream.h> #include <string.h> int main() { clrscr(); char ch; ifstream in; in.open("inventory.txt"); while ((ch = in.get()) != EOF) { cout << ch; } streampos begin, end; in.open("inventory.txt"); begin = in.tellg(); in.seekg(0, ios::end); end = in.tellg(); in.close()...